Sunday, May 17, 2015

An Upset Doggie, Oils to the Rescue!

A couple weeks ago, I was a BAD doggie mom. I was grooming my Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrior and I accidentally cut her elbow with my scissors. I felt HORRIBLE! My husband has a history of wound care, so we were treating it at home, but after about five days, I didn't feel it was getting any better and I took her to the vet. She needed stitches. They had to sedate her. When I took her home, she was drugged. She had to wear the "Cone of Shame." She hated it. When it was on, she wouldn't lie down and rest. She would just sit there, but be SO tired, she'd almost fall asleep, but then sit back up. Then she would just cry because she wouldn't lie down, but was so tired. If I took the cone off, she'd get all agitated, and run around and try to bite her stitches. I needed to help her. This was pitiful.
I diluted one drop of Lavender with about a teaspoon of olive oil and rubbed it on her leg around the cut, but not on the cut itself. I also diffused about 4 drops of Peace and Calming. Within ten minutes, she went from the above picture of crying sadness, to a melted pot of doggie relaxed-ness, below.
Later, when she began getting agitated again, I did the same thing, and she calmed right back down. A week later, and she had managed to get half the stitches out, but the wound wasn't opening up, it just wasn't healing as well as it could. I put a drop of Melrose on the cut itself and overnight, the healing began to increase its pace. She will have the stitches in until the end of this week, and I will apply a drop of Melrose every day. I will keep y'all posted on her progress using the oils.

Great news! My dog was fully healed within two weeks! Her hair has grown back and she's her happy self again. The only thing left is that the fur on her right elbow now grows more light brown than the white of most of her. My two year old still points to that and says "ouchies," but fortunately, there are no more ouchies!